Wednesday, January 14, 2009

I ♥ Brooches...

So I came across these ♥ joints a couple of months ago in an issue of GQ in some photos of the Marc Jacobs Fall Runway show in Paris. Thought they were dope but the models were kinda drabb for my taste. I mean, if you're going to have Legos in you ensemble, you have to go all the way. Then a few weeks later, I saw a picture from the Sartorialist's Blog { } of two young dudes rocking em with a much more flavorful style. Hopefully, you know who the sartorialist is, if not, that's a whole other conversation for another post.

Turns out, the two dudes in the pic are the creator's, who are two of a set of triplets who go by the name Dee & Ricky. Anywho, did some research and they got a deal with Marc Jake and they're selling them on their site for (drumroll) $65. At first I was like no way Jose, but after I thought about it, they're kids like me, just trying to make it. So I ordered one and when it came it was great....head turner everywhere I wore it. Then, my dumb ass either lost it or got it stolen during an inebriated spell at SFA Nupes party. Either way, now I need the little bastard back so I've ordered another one. Multi coloured this time. Check em out here....

I wore it on my Denim Gap Jacket mostly. A "Zach Morris Original."

-AND I'm gone.....

1 comment:

  1. 1st off...i love dee n rickys story. they're just two kids that had an ingenious idea and a very well known designer had the cashews to incorporate that into his line. kudos to both parties.....

    p.s. they have them on karmaloop now. plus the square ones [which i could probably make] plus headbands.
